Friday, December 28, 2007

Resolutions, Reinventing or Recommitting?

Does everyone make New Years Resolutions? I don’t usually but I’ve been inspired by a site I belong to. They encourage you to do something you have always dreamed of doing, whether it's climbing a mountain, literally, losing weight or learning a new language.

Is this a good way to occupy my mind and my time? What of God? He has a plan for us all. Perhaps I fail at so many resolutions because I am not aligning myself with His will for my life.

Perhaps this year I should begin with prayer, ask my heavenly Father what He wants me to accomplish this year. And then ask for His help with it.

There is a desire within me to come closer to Him, to know Him more, to seek Him more and to love Him more. Maybe the Lord is calling to me and my spirit is answering with this desire for a closer relationship with Him.

Perhaps I should reevaluate the way I live. Change my routine and let go of those things that do nothing to help me accomplish those desires replacing them with time spent with God my Father.

Instead of immediately turning on the television to catch the news in the morning perhaps I should place a chair where I can see outside and sit quietly before Him. Then after everyone is gone for the day I can start mine with His word and pray for myself and all those I love.

The New Year is a good time to start new things, but I don’t think I will wait until then. I think I will start today. Change can be a very good thing if we allow God to lead us.

What do you think?

May you have a Wonderful, Joy Filled, New Year!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Other Gift

The Holidays, The Season, Christmas. No matter what you call it the feelings it brings are many and so varied a book couldn’t hold them all. We cherish so these days of celebration; sending cards to loved ones, family and friends, practicing for weeks with the church choir for a special presentation of worship in song, baking and making things ahead of time so we will be ready, decorating and making our homes look festive, getting surprises together and hiding them until the day nears, keeping our little secrets and hugging close the feeling that this year we will really surprise our loved ones.

All these things go together to make the Christmas season the most celebrated on earth. Done so that we can in some way let our Lord know what His birth means to us. That His birth in the stable, His coming to earth is remembered and celebrated with thankful hearts and joyful spirits.

We are eager to treat each other with kindness during these weeks. We work, shop and practice, cook and help others until we are on the point of exhaustion, for Him. And yet the other gift He gives us every year is overlooked by most of us. This gift, this celebration of love.

What is the other gift, you ask? The gift of family. One of the best parts of the holiday is gathering with friends and family to celebrate. We give gifts, bake special treats to share, dress up and make time for each other. What a wonder I didn’t realize it before. This wonderful gift, is because of Him.

He came to earth, a babe in a manger, in order to save us from sin but in doing that He gave us this chance to celebrate Him and in the celebrating He gives us each other; a closeness to family and friends, clarity of mind, fullness of spirit and a joy that overwhelms. How blessed we are to know Him, to have the gift of Salvation brought by Him and to have this other gift, one of celebrating with each other.

May you enjoy “The Gift” this Christmas and may you praise Him for it.

Have a wonderful, beautiful, joyful, love filled Christmas!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What Do You Think?

The things that are going on today seem to be leading us down a path we would rather not face. Those things are a consequence of our lack of attention to what went on years ago. So, we are paying the price of the inattentiveness of generations who went before us. What things, you ask?

At the top of the list must be the phrase Merry Christmas which is being killed off by those whose interest in being P. C. (politically correct) carries more clout than our desire to honor the One who blessed this country and provided us with freedom.

Common courtesy, without being judged by what you say, do or how you look is also vanishing, though during these Christmas holidays it does resurface for a few wonderful weeks.

Violence is growing at alarming rates and though our lawmakers and justice system say they are working on the problem I haven’t seen any improvement.

So, what should we do? Should we sit at home and hope things get better? Sign petitions and hope they get into the right hands? Trust the government to take care of the situation? Believe what the news media says? Keep our focus on trivial bits which fill the news about which Celebes are divorcing and which ones are getting botox or having surgery?

Or should we agree together in prayer daily. Ask God to forgive us for our sin and for letting our country get in this deplorable shape without seeking him? Ask Him to take control, bring us back into His will and make us truly one nation under God. Then ask our Lord to protect and bless us as a Christian nation.

What do you think?

Monday, November 26, 2007


The one time of year when many will give thought to their blessings. Here’s my list;

First is my Father, my Lord and Savior who blesses me daily with his presence.

Family; parents, siblings and their families, aunts & uncles, cousins, my sweetheart Joe, my sweet children Patrick and Steven, my beautiful daughter-in-love Rena, and my four wonderful grandchildren Chelsea, Brooke, Summer & Austin!! And all of my in-laws who are as close to me and as loved as my own family are. I thank God for bringing you into my life.

Friends are like family; Debra, Vanessa, Mary Ann, Carol, Pam, D’Ann, Marian, Sarita, Becky, Janiece, Connie B., Connie L., Susie, Susan, Shirley, Stacy, Linda, Irene, Polly, there really are just too many to list. Please forgive me if your name is not on this list. You can put it down to a tired brain or just plain forgetfulness. I do love you all!!!

A home that; though it needs work and isn’t perfect, is a blessing and better than anything we’ve ever had before. Cool in the summer, warm in the winter, dry when it’s pouring outside with room to play, exercise my imagination and have fun gardening.

His Church; some whose members we met while traveling, many of whom are close to our hearts. First Baptist Mertzon, TX, Fairview Baptist in Fairview, Tenn. and Bois D’arc Cowboy Church in Bonham, TX to name a few where we met people who seemed like family we were so comfortable and welcome.

ACFW; American Christian Fiction Writers and all of the wonderful people I’ve met both at conferences and online. Their encouragement, courses and help are invaluable to this novice writer.

Faithwriters and Nanowrimo; just two of the helpful sites with free membership that bring encouragement and inspiration.

This ministry of writing for women, children and families, is both a wonderful and fearful thing though with God's help the fear won't hold me back. God’s inspiration during those times when the words just don’t seem to come is a wonderous thing. I know this is what I am supposed to do.

Life, health, family, friends, home, inspiration & help, work, what blessings these are, I thank you Lord for giving to me these wonderful blessings which make life truly beautiful.

God bless you each one, your families, friends, homes, health, finances, work etc.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Holidays

The holidays are upon us and with the busyness of the season I will not be posting as often. I am presently busy with Nanowrimo, the yearly competition that encourages writers of all genres to focus on writing, get out of the box and just write for thirty days. It has helped me this year. I wasn’t brave enough to join last year but this year I am enjoying writing not for the prize but just the writing itself. What a joy it is to put words on the screen and think that one day soon the manuscript will be finished.

With the holidays coming we often get bogged down in expectations, both our own and others. Take time this year to change your routine, maybe add a tradition that calls for slowing down and spending time together. Spend some time on your own contemplating those things that you truly should be thankful for. Make your Christmas list differently this year. Add things that take thought and consideration. We always ask people what they want for Christmas, but what if we thought about those we are buying gifts for? What would they really like to have? What brings them joy? Can you imagine the smile that will light up their face when they open your gift? When you fill out your Thanksgiving and Christmas cards include a memory of the person you are writing to. Yes, it will take time but it will be worth it.

We usually take this time of year and fill it to the brim with things; gatherings, decorating, baking, shopping, etc. etc. ETC! How much room do we leave to truly celebrate? Let’s give the Lord a gift this year. Sacrifice something you’ve always done and spend that time praising God. Make a family journal and keep it in a conspicuous place where family members can stop and write down their thoughts. If they aren’t enthused make a game or contest of it. The one who posts the most thoughts or the one with the most thoughtful post will win a prize.

When the holidays are over let me know what you did differently and how it was received. God bless!! And Happy Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

The Battle

Sin creeps into our lives so insidiously, quietly, insistently. We must guard our hearts, or as scripture says; "Be anxious for nothing but in all things through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to the Lord, and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7 Jesus is the key, our relationship to Him. Keeping that relationship open, clean and pure will enable Him to work in our lives so that sin cannot so easily sneak in. We have a choice, God's will or sin.

What is the bottom line when we face things like disillusionment, anger, fear or hatred? These things are sin, or can lead us into sin. The most important thing is to remain in God’s will. A few years ago the phrase WWJD became popular. It has since lost popularity but it is still a good way to measure what we should do. This is especially true about our thoughts, actions and attitudes.

Illegal aliens are here so what is the best way to deal with them? I am struggling with anger. "These people are here illegaly. They broke the law to get here so they have no rights," the voice inside my head shouts. And if I allow it to continue the anger builds. This anger brewing below the surface is not normal for me, it is not good for me or my relationship with God, nor is it the best way to handle this situation.

What I must do is pray, for myself and my attitude yes, but also for them. If I pray for God’s will in their lives, mine and for America everything else will fall into place. If I treat them as God would want me to I know it will please Him and that is my desire. That is the bottom line. Pleasing my heavenly Father.

This isn’t an easy thing to do but with God’s help it is possible. I am even noticing a change in my thought pattern; when I see them everywhere, when I feel overwhelmed, when anger tries to take hold I know to pray. Praying for their salvation and God’s will in their lives as well as His will in my own life is good for everyone.

Allowing God to lead me in all areas of my life is necessary for continued growth. If I do not grow spiritually I become useless to Him. Giving up those things to Him that I have no control over, knowing that He knows best what is needed and trusting Him to work through the situation brings peace and I can rest in His will for us.

The peace He brings to my heart and life is important. Without His peace, His leading and choosing to trust Him life would be difficult, hard, joyless. Choosing His will isn’t always easy but it is always right.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Only True King

Think of our world as a chessboard, like the scene in the movie Alice in Wonderland a grid is marked on the ground, but this one covers the whole earth. The chess pieces are scattered not placed directly opposite each other. This is no normal battle. The knights, God’s warriors, fit with His armor are stationed around the globe; America, Afghanistan, England, France, Iraq, Israel etc. White opposing black. Good against evil.

The black set has no queen no knights and it has no king, though he thinks of himself as such, he is only a pawn. He works against everything good, doing his best to ruin the hopes of those who follow the only true King. All of his plans, though he cannot see it, will ultimately be used to bring about God’s perfect will.

The white set has no pawns, only The King surrounded by knights. These knights have all of the power of The King at their disposal. Though the battle rages and we are called to stand for Him, the end has already been written, and the book is in the hand of The King. As He sets his seal on it, so begins The End.

What those who follow Him must remember is that He is in control. No Matter what happens, no matter what the world thinks, no matter what the media says. God is on His thrown and we are sealed in Him forever. Now, as His, what are we to do?

Standing together we are a witness for those who will come to God. We must prayerfully, carefully attend to the word our Father has put in our hearts. It will be used for his glory. I am honored to stand with you for our Lord, Jesus, The Christ.

May all honor and glory and praise be His forever and ever!! Amen!

Friday, October 26, 2007


That, which is most constant in our lives but, often dreaded. Change is necessary for living; daily life would be dull and difficult without change. I’m not sure why we dislike it so much. Maybe we get comfortable in our ruts and forget how wonderful change can be.

Remember how exciting it was to start school? Your first day of kindergarten or first grade was the most exciting thing you could think of and everyone asked about it from parents to grandparents. Everyone who knew your family wanted to know how it went. And you knew it was a special event.

What about your first date with the one who would become your mate for life? Maybe it wasn’t memorable at the time because you didn’t know then they would be your true love, but I’ll bet you can remember almost everything about that night now. How nervous you were about being with this person you didn’t know; where you went, how you felt when he dropped you off or when you dropped her off. Ah, change.

A good friend moved away. I love seeing her name on the loop and I know one day at conference I will see her and get to hug her again. Reading her blog is a good way to stay in touch and we email each other occasionally. It isn’t the same as being together but it is a blessing I fully intend to enjoy. Marian, I miss you girl.

Change isn’t always easy and nothing says we have to like it, but it helps. Allowing God control and telling Him that you trust Him is important. His love will never let us down. He is always faithful and though we must say good bye sometimes before we are ready we can trust that God knows what is best for all of us.

Another friend is moving. We don’t want to say good bye, but we know that she must make the decisions she needs to make to get on with life. That is something we all have to do. We hope that life will be good to her in her new home and that her new job will be fulfilling. Sarita, our prayers are with you.

Our youngest son moved recently, farther away, but we know by just hearing his voice that he is happy and doing good. Oh we would love to have him and all our family living within shouting distance, but we would not hold them back for anything. They must live the lives God intended.

Our oldest son is getting ready to move in the New Year. We are so happy for him and know that he will enjoy his new place. We look forward to seeing all the blessings God has in store for him.

As life changes for us all I can’t help thinking most of them have brought blessings into our lives. Here’s to change!!

Thank you Lord for changing things in our lives, for all the blessings you give us and for your faithfulness to always be there for us. Thank you for loving us and making us yours. In the name of Your precious Son, Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Wishing you all a Super! Fantastic! Wonderful day!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Snakes, UGH!

Ugly, slimy, poisonous pests! I could live without them and would gladly have killed every one I saw if I dared get close enough. Killing snakes was my parent’s job when I was growing up, usually Daddy would get a hoe and chop it’s head off. Then he would scoop it up in a shovel and dump it in the barrel where we burned our trash.

Growing up in the country didn’t help me like these critters. I knew how dangerous they could be and had no knowledge about non poisonous ones. As far as I was concerned they were all evil and should be killed. Never mind the fact that God left them here; surely there was a better way. I know they eat mice and probably other types of pests but cats eat mice too or at least kill them and leave them for us to find.

How did I go from hating snakes to rescuing them? Being married to a snake loving nut helps. Somehow in the past thirty three years I went from running and screaming to avoiding large ones and sweeping small ones (like the one our cats cornered on the porch this morning) into a bucket so I can take it outside.

I guess as we grow in knowledge and understanding we realize that trusting God has more to do with life than our ability to deal with situations. I’m working towards giving my life to Him daily. It is a discipline I need and it will help me more than anything else I could do for myself. Knowing that He knows best and has a plan set into place for us makes giving ourselves, all of ourselves, to Him the best thing we can do. Rom. 6:13

May God bless you with a wonderful fall day!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Dealing With Loss

How do people get through the loss of someone they love without God? I don’t know how they do it, I just know I wouldn’t make it through those times without grabbing hold of my heavenly Father and hanging on for dear life.

One of the first times I experience this I was sixteen and in love with a boy I had met just a few short weeks before at a friend’s church. He was so spiritually mature that I was impressed and took an instant liking to him. Perhaps that was all it was. I just knew he had the qualities I admired. He was also sixteen. It was his Senior year and I was a Junior. One afternoon while visiting my friends we got a call that he had an accident while cleaning his gun, the bullet lodged in his spine and by the time they got him to the hospital he was gone. I was devastated and I cried for weeks, letting my heart cry out to God because I could think of no way to express how I felt.

At first the tears were bitter, hot, they did not bring the healing I expected. No stranger to grief and loss, having lost family members, I knew how it should feel. And I knew that though we love our family and friends we are not guaranteed a long life on this earth. But to loose him and all my hopes and dreams, though unspoken, hit me so hard that I had a hard time recovering. The suddenness of it shook my world and I wasn’t sure if it would ever be the same.

I had to go back to school and somehow get through the days. I walked through those hours as if alone. A haze covered my vision. I don’t know if my parents knew how hard it was. We never talked about it. I talked to my best friends once, late into the night, talking so long that I woke with a sore throat. Even that felt different. Everything was changed, me most of all.

Though I never spoke aloud to God I kept a constant communication with Him in my heart. I held on for dear life and He brought me through that time. You hear that 'Things that don’t kill you make you stronger'. I was stronger and I was more sure of God. Now I know that He is the answer to all things. He is the answer to the desires of our hearts, to the difficulties life brings our way. He is the answer to loss that can, if we allow it to, destroy our hope, our lives, our peace of mind. Call out to God, hang on to Him. He will get you through it. You don’t have to know what to say, He will hear your heart. God’s word says, “The Spirit will intercede for us with groanings that can not be uttered.” Rom. 8:26

More recently, Jan. 27, 2006 through June 15, 2006, we lost my husband’s mother and two close friends. That was a rough year, but God brought us through. I have been changed again, by loss, but I believe the changes are for the better. I’m more aware of what is really important; letting loved ones know how much they are loved, time spent with family and friends, reaching out when I see someone struggling, being willing to give up my day or what I want to help someone. Allowing God to help me has brought spiritual growth. I am so thankful that He is there to call on. He is always faithful.

Call out to God, hold on to Him and He will get you through. No matter what is happening in your life, He cares!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I've Got Your Back!

We hear it all the time, the phrase “I’ve got your back.” But do we really? Are we consistent in our prayers? Are we praying for those who are hurting or those who have lost hope? Are we talking to each other about the difficulties we go through? We all have down times and dark thoughts. Do we share those or hide them thinking they are unworthy of a Christian? What if we shared the dark times, telling others how God helped us through them, how He sustained us and how we grew during those times?

Often children think their parents have it all together. Perhaps we should discuss as a family the times God helped us; the miracles, what we learned, letting our children know how bad it really was. If they knew we struggled maybe they wouldn’t be so hard on themselves when their ‘grownup life’ was imperfect. Maybe they would understand that it's just part of life. Don't let people fool you, everyone goes through rough patches, even those whose lives look perfect are going through trials. It's normal and it is during those times we figure out what works, what is important to us, and what we really want from life.

Lets open up to each other, who knows what God will do with the knowledge and understanding gained from it. Maybe we should even start a group for others who have struggled or are struggling. Support is always good, aren’t we encouraged by Jesus to strengthen each other? Luke 22:32

Monday, October 1, 2007

God's Best!

I recently read that God’s plans for us, though they may differ from ours, are so much better than we can imagine. I agree whole heartedly and have decided to pray His will in every area of my life. His will for my children’s lives, His will for my sweetheart, His will for me and for my writing/illustrating ministry, His will for my aging parents.

Leaving things with Him and trusting Him in all things is a much better way to live than becoming anxious to have things the way I want them. I don’t know why it has taken me so long to “Get It!” but I am glad that His patience with, and mercy for me has led to this decision.

Life can be much better when we trust all of it to Him. I know I've learned this lesson before but I hope this time it will stick. Do you think the problem lies with the devil and his wanting me to want control over all of my life? Or even wanting recognition for working things out on my own? How silly is that? Why would I want something so temporary, so un Christ like, so unlikely to bring blessing?

Why don’t I stop to think about things like this instead of just meandering my way through life letting things happen as they will and then saying that it must be God’s will? Life will be so much better when I consciously give every area, every family member, and every part of myself into His will.

This is a turning point for me. I am expecting this day, this week, this month and the rest of this year to be exceedingly abundantly above what I could think or ask because His word says that is how it can be. Because what He wants for us is so far above our understanding it will amaze us. Wow, what wonderful things are coming!

Stay tuned for updates on the goodness of our God! God bless you all!!

Eph. 3: 20-21

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Running On Reserve

Have you ever felt you were running on reserve energy or just didn’t feel quite right? I have been feeling that way. I felt good physically and had a great time with family but there was just something missing. I didn’t take time to think about it or ask God what could be wrong I just continued through my days doing what I always did.

I get up, check my two email accounts, pray for requests on the Prayer Loop as well as family and friends, watch a little news, then go have breakfast. After breakfast I am back on the computer either researching or writing for a few hours, then comes lunch. Of course there are interruptions like; making business calls, receiving phone calls or nature calling. LOL Then there are things homemakers must do such as paying bills, balancing the checkbook, and taking care of the many things required to run a home. My days are pretty full.

With all I have to do it isn’t surprising that I haven’t taken time to figure out what was missing. I finally realized I had not spent time with God’s people at church. I have through choice and necessity been away several Sundays. When that happens I lose the connection with my brothers and sisters-in-Christ and the support they give. Like my family, knowing they are there eases the burdens of life. I know that during difficult times I can call on them and I can depend on God to bring me to their minds when I need prayer.

I am so looking forward to this Sunday. Last week the Lord’s day was spent with my husband, traveling home from visiting and helping our youngest Son and his family. I spent time in prayer, helped my Sweetheart drive, dropped him at the airport to catch a plane so he could attend a family funeral, drove the rest of the way (three hours) home praying for him and the family. It was a good time spent with my Father and I did need that alone time with Him. But it will be good to be together with the family of God again. To worship, praise and pray together and power up that battery.

Knowing that God knows best what we need it is no surprise how much we need each other. The surprising thing is that I allow myself to so easily get off track. It is good to be back where I should be and I am thankful my Father gently leads me back where I belong.

May your next Lord's day be blessed!

God bless you and have a GREAT week!!

Monday, September 24, 2007


Watching my children go through struggles is hard for me. I guess it is for most any parent. The things that happen are often because of their own choices but sometimes the choices of others cause problems for my children. When that happens I have a choice to make. Forgive or disobey God.

The most recent hardship came as a five week delay for my youngest son and his family in getting into their home. Imagine seven people staying in a hotel, eating cereal and sandwiches until you are sick of them. Cooking out at the park when you can arrange the time because that is the only place available and then coming back to the room to eat because the flies are so bad you can't open your mouth to eat. The struggles they have gone through have been rough and though we asked God to get them into their home right away, for Him to smooth the way and bless them, He didn't answer in the way we expected or wanted.

I'm learning, again, to trust Him.

The choices we have to make in life very often seem impossible or unfair. We often hear that "Life isn't fair." But God is just and He has our best intrest in mind. Only He knows what is best for us. We know what would be easiest for us or what we think would benefit our families but only our loving Heavenly Father knows what lies ahead for us.

Very often the difficulties we face in life grows us in ways nothing else would. Too during these times we find out what true friendship means. Those who are there for us through the hard times become close to us, like family. Isn't that what God wants for us? To have an extended family who holds each other up both in prayer and with their presence. These times are often testing times when God allows us to struggle so that we will cry out to Him.

Blessings come as we pray for our children. It hurts to see the struggles and it is very hard to forgive those who are the cause. God will bless our obedience and the things we are gaining will go far in His kingdom. Chosing to obey and forgive is what we have to do. Obedience is key to maintaining a close relationship with God. If we desire that close contact with Him we must keep from putting obstacles in the way by disobedience.

When we get a reprieve from struggles we can look back and see that God was there for us. We can see His provision and give thanks for the blessings. Like little children we want what we want and we want it now. But like children sometimes going without or having to wait or hear our Father say no can be a blessing. Trusting in God we can be assured of His blessing.

May His blessing be evident in your life!

Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, September 17, 2007


Birthdays always make me think of family. Mama and Daddy worked hard to make them special even when there was no money for presents. When my sweetheart came into my life he never missed an opportunity to make me feel special. Gifts for every holiday and always something special for my birthday. This year, no money for presents I feel blessed just being with family and getting so many calls that I’m hoarse from talking to loved ones.

A celebration, with or without cake, just being together is what is important. Remembering all the special times we’ve had, maybe that is why I’m so sentimental this time of year. It isn’t just that the holidays are coming. It’s attaining another year, thinking about all that has happened through the year and being grateful for God’s continued blessing.

Oh, things aren’t perfect, we have our daily struggles, but God is so good to us. Knowing that; somehow my prayers are being answered, in some way He will use me for His glory, He is watching over us and making us more like Christ every day. That is worth living for and since we are alive why not be grateful for fifty three years? I hope that through all the struggles we’ve had the past few weeks that as the year continues it will be even better and more glorifying to Him.

May you each have a wonderful week and may your days be blessed by our loving Father.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The old saying goes; The Lord helps those who help themselves.

In Truth;

God helps those who call on Him!
James 4:1-16;

I’m learning to ask for help, and not try to do things in my own strength. That is where I get off track. It is His help I need. With Him I can do anything!! I’ve often thought that if only we had more money things would get better but I’m learning not to wish for riches so I can have what I want, but pray for my loved ones asking God to provide for us all. Being willing to wait instead of going into debt because I can’t wait to have what I want. God’s best is so much better than we ever dreamed. Being willing to wait, asking Him to supply the things we need and want and then willingly working and waiting for them.

In calling on God I must be willing to submit to His will. It really isn’t that bad. Submitting brings a freedom that will bless us and all who care about us. If He tells me no, or doesn’t provide something I want I must be willing to let it go. I have to watch that I don’t yearn for it. After all they are only things and if it isn’t in God’s will for me right now then I must trust Him. When I need help letting go I’m learning to ask God for help.

His provision and will in my life is so much better for me and my family than what I want. His love for me is more important than anything this world has to offer and I’m learning that taking time daily, even moment by moment to spend with Him blesses me far better than anything else can.

So, I’m learning to Trust God in other areas too. I guess growing and learning don’t stop as we age. I’m glad He is willing to continue patiently teaching me. How wonderful to know He is always there waiting to hear from me, waiting for my heart to seek Him.

James 4:6b-8a KJV Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw night to God and he will draw night to you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

God's Abundant Blessings

When life gets hectic we tend to forget to give time to God. We know that is the most important thing yet still we neglect Him. I don’t know why, but that is how it is. I’m not sure what has changed in my life, perhaps my perspective as I have aged. Each passing year brings it’s own lessons, those things that bring wisdom if we allow God to use them.

The past weekend was wonderful though short. I flew up to see my parents knowing that if I could surprise Mom on her birthday it would bless her and me. It did. One of my favorite Uncles and Aunts came to Mom and Dad’s to stay a few days that too was a treat. Then there was the reunion of my Father’s family. Cousins told stories about things that happened at Grandma and Grandpa Bell’s house. It was an amazing time. And to top it off I flew to Midland to see my youngest and his family, help finish moving what I could and catch up on hugging my grandchildren. What a joy it is to know you are loved so much. Yesterday our oldest drove me home. Usually a ten hour trip, it took about twelve and a half hours with traffic and weather delays but the time spent with him was such a joy.

I could feel sad today, but instead I feel so blessed. God allowed me to; see my parents, celebrate my Mom’s birthday, see a special Uncle and Aunt, visit with my sweet brother, get to know my beautiful new sister-in-law, see many family members at the reunion and hear stories I’ve never heard before. He allowed me to see my youngest son and his family, know that the place he is moving though far away is a good place, have special time with my oldest and come home to a husband who enveloped me in hugs. I feel so very blessed. God has provided what I needed, and though it was costly I know it was worth it.

On those days I don’t see His blessings all I have to do is ask for help in seeing them. Though they might not be evident, they are there if I just take time to look for them. I don’t always get what I want but God is able to get me through to the right time when He will provide what I need. I can trust Him because He is faithful.

Though I haven’t stopped to spend quiet time with Him yet today, I feel His presence. I feel my prayers and praises lifting from a grateful heart and His responding peace has settled in my soul.

Wishing you each and every one a day filled with His blessings.

We are accountable. What responsibility do you think is most important here?

Thursday, August 30, 2007


As Fall arrives memories of times together fill my mind. When school starts I know cool winds will soon blow away this sultry summer heat and it will be time to get ready for the holidays. But the memories that flood my consiousness bring an opportunity to continue the legacy by getting together in our home with friends and family making more memories to enjoy. How wonderful our Father is to allow the difficulties we suffered to dim with time while the joy of gathering together is played over and over in our minds like a favorite movie.

Friday and Saturday afternoons were times to gather with family and friends. Mom’s best friend and my Aunt and their families would come often. For my brother, sister and I those were great times spent outside playing games or catching lightening bugs. When everyone was gathered there would be thirteen kids; enough for dividing into teams for baseball, Red Rover or Eenie Einie Over.

Always a lot to do on the farm, some of our favorite things were; exploring the buildings; barns, sheep shed, smoke house etc. We would play tag and hide and seek or play baseball in the sheep pen because there were no stickers there and the grass was short (we always played bare foot). Of course in late summer there were treats like; watermelon that Mom and Dad had iced down in a number two wash tub or home made ice cream. Ice cream took everyone’s participation, the ladies mixed it and poured it into the container, the men put the container into the machine, put the machine into the tub, filled it with ice and turned the crank. We kids vied for our turn on the seat on the towel which was folded and draped across the machine. We were the anchor, so to speak. The rest of the kids waited munching on salty ice from the overflow in the tub or we’d sneak up put ice down each other’s shirts then run like crazy.

The end of summer and beginning of fall were the busiest times at our house. Though money was short there always seemed to be enough to have family or friends come by for a simple supper and dessert. Sometimes there was even enough for Daddy to go to Rock Hill Store and buy the big gingerbread cookies Miss Winnie kept in a huge jar on the counter. They were big enough to fill even Daddy’s hand.

Sometimes I miss those days, but most of the time I am just grateful to have had such good times. How blessed I feel to have wonderful memories and the opportunity, with God's help, to make more memories. I hope you enjoy these wonderful days. And if they aren't so wonderful now rest in the fact that God is with you and difficulties do not last forever. Blessings!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Just Trust

When I was young and everyone was choosing their career the only thing I wanted to do was be a wife and Mom. Being a stay home Mom gave such fulfillment I knew I was doing what God wanted. Now that the boys were older I had to back off and give them to God. They still had a lot to learn but I wasn’t sure they wanted to learn from me anymore, so who better to teach them than the Lord, who loved them even more than I?

About two weeks after I prayed giving God full control of our boys our youngest came to us and told us he was moving to West TX, about seven hours away. We had two days and a night to get used to the idea and frankly I was scared. A quiet voice inside me spoke, telling me I needed to let Steven make his own choices and give him room to grow up. So we didn’t hold him back. We didn’t say the words, “You can’t go”, which is what we wanted to do.

The next few weeks I cried almost constantly when alone. I prayed, I feared, I demanded that God send him home, I worried, I thought about everything that might possibly go wrong and became anxious. That is when God’s voice came through my thoughts reminding me of my prayer, “You gave him to me, just how much do you trust me?”

“Be anxious for nothing, but in all things through prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God.” Phil. 4:6 a Bible verse from Sunday school came back to me.

I fell to my knees; asking forgiveness for my lack of faith, and my attitude. Quietly the words came, “Just trust.” This became my lifeline. Every time I would wake in wee hours with fear trying to take hold of my heart, those calming words came to me. I would pray for Steven, other family members and anyone else God brought to mind, eventually falling into a restful sleep.

Yes, God did send Steven a miracle, several in fact. Over the past six years God has given Steven a family of his own, a good job, and the confidence to succeed in this life. And we finally have a daughter, who has given us four sweet, beautiful grandchildren.

Just Trust, is my motto.