Friday, August 1, 2008


Okay, it’s confession time. I’m a writer who has been off track for two years. I thought I was back on track, but have realized that I’ve been lying to myself and everyone else.

No wonder I am so frustrated with life. No wonder I struggle to accomplish anything during my long days home alone. I have lied to myself about the problem and now that I am able to admit it I can see where that has caused more problems with my life.

I lost the joy of keeping our home and cooking for my family. I lost the creative abilities that carried me through thirty two of our thirty four years, making suppers and desserts and special breakfasts. Why? I allowed grief to claim my heart and I retreated from life. I blamed being stuck home alone with no car or “The Change” for many of my problems. Don't mistake me, they did cause problems. Those things may have made life more difficult but they weren't the main problem.

This is where God's word comes in, it says in Matt. 10:26 "...there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known." God will always bring to light those things that hinder His will in our lives.

Those three losses in about 18 weeks took a heavy toll. I trusted God to get me through, and He has, I just didn’t expect it to take this long. I am so grateful that our Father knows exactly what we need and when. I thank our Lord for walking with me through this long valley, for helping me to navigate the treacherous paths that were often hidden by a fog, or at least a foggy mind.

What joy to know He cares so much and brought Bible study back into my life. God is growing me and I am ready to rejoin the working, ministering, writing world. It will be exciting to see what is ahead. And I know I won’t be walking the road alone.

There will still be rough places along the way but I know that my Father will be with me. He will even prepare the way before me. Thank You, Lord may all praise and honor and glory be yours. In Christ name, Amen.

God bless you.


Unknown said...

I am praying that the excitment you felt as you wrote this post will carry you through the next months as you return to experience the joy He has in what He has called you to do!

The ole' saying "the truth hurts" can be true here, but remember realizing where you are is 90% of the battle! Stay strong - sweet friend.
He shows us
what we need to see
so He can grow us into what we're meant to be!

Anonymous said...

Very nice post, with passion and from the heart. Have you written and published nonfiction?

Love your profile too. :) Thank God for family!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and writing that sweet comment to Alyssa. I pray this is a new "season" for you and your writing.

Judy said...

Your last paragraph spoke to me...I've been ministering to people in ways other than the written word, and have neglected Bible Study...
Thank you for opening your soul to others like me.