How amazing to know that God continues to teach. This fifty something writer feels blessed through His teaching. I'm learning that we, no matter what our job, living conditions, family ties, financial state, all go through periods of uncertainty. We wonder why we go through the things we do. We debate whether to change jobs, go for something more daring or just something different to get us out of the rut we're in.
Writers are not alone in the struggle to continue day in and day out working with little encouragement. Some of us even experience barriers put up by those closest to us. A word or action by those we love can set us back weeks or months if we are not careful to take it to God immediately, leaving it with Him. And if some outside element or force attacks, we are struck, almost a physical blow.
When things like this happen it is difficult to recover the joy and excitement we feel when we are penning His words. For that is what we do. Yes, much of what I do is fiction, but the purpose is to reach others for him. To bring His love and the hope of Christ to a hopeless world.
I used to feel so alone, but recently through other Christians I've found that hopelessness is no respector of persons, gender, bank balance or creative ability. It hits when you least expect it and when you are most vulnerable. I think hopelessness must be one of the devils most useful tools.
Seeking Christ and asking Him to take that burden off my shoulders is such a source of encouragement. He will deliver me from the deep depression that hopelessness brings. In place of that heavy, darkness He brings His light. I pray the same will be true for you.
Lord, let your light shine through every word penned this year. Through every thought that reaches someone else for you, through every opportunity to encourage someone for You. May you be glorified through us all. In Your precious name I pray. Amen!!
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