Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Which Came First, Forgiveness or Love?

So very often I get this feeling of guilt, an overwhelming sense that I’m not worthy. There is so much to support that thought; the many failures in my life, the fact that my thought patterns can run rampant and drive me from project to project during the course of the day, so easily side tracked that staying on focus is practically impossible, etc.

But God, through His infinite love and provision always draws me back to Himself. Of all the things He uses the top four are; family, friends, Bible studies and prayer. He speaks in so many ways, His voice always calm. Drawing from me the desires of my heart, of course He already knows but He wants me to ask. Lately my prayer time has been sporadic at best.

Those feelings of guilt and frustration over my inability to complete my list to my satisfaction can keep me away. But God is faithful. He is always there waiting when I return to my quiet place. He takes my fears and removes them, filling me with His peace and reminding me that I am His.

I can trust God to use me where I am, no matter how I may feel about myself and my inadequacies. And that puts a smile on my face and joy in my heart. To know that He is in control and will use me in some way daily for His glory puts joy in my day and gives my life purpose.

So, knowing how forgiveness came to our world, we must say “Love came first.” For God is love. I am convinced that everything in our lives, as Christians, comes back to that love. Even when we go through things we don’t like or don’t understand, when we reach the other side we can look back and see God’s love.

Remembering that God will convict our hearts when we sin, we must also know that He will not condemn us. We are His and He loves us, with an everlasting love. “We are now therefore under no condemnation…” So when guilt comes to condemn we must reject it, praise God for the ways He is using us and trust that in His hands we will accomplish what He has put us here to do.

So, walk through those valleys with your heart set on Him. Let His love fill you and flow from you, expect something wonderful to happen in your relationship to Him. Though the walls of the valley may be so steep they block out all light, His light will shine through us. Nothing can quench His light. His love always shines through.

Heavenly Father, we praise You and thank You for Your faithfulness. We thank You for Your love that never fails. And we trust You to use us for Your glory. In the precious name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.