Friday, December 28, 2007

Resolutions, Reinventing or Recommitting?

Does everyone make New Years Resolutions? I don’t usually but I’ve been inspired by a site I belong to. They encourage you to do something you have always dreamed of doing, whether it's climbing a mountain, literally, losing weight or learning a new language.

Is this a good way to occupy my mind and my time? What of God? He has a plan for us all. Perhaps I fail at so many resolutions because I am not aligning myself with His will for my life.

Perhaps this year I should begin with prayer, ask my heavenly Father what He wants me to accomplish this year. And then ask for His help with it.

There is a desire within me to come closer to Him, to know Him more, to seek Him more and to love Him more. Maybe the Lord is calling to me and my spirit is answering with this desire for a closer relationship with Him.

Perhaps I should reevaluate the way I live. Change my routine and let go of those things that do nothing to help me accomplish those desires replacing them with time spent with God my Father.

Instead of immediately turning on the television to catch the news in the morning perhaps I should place a chair where I can see outside and sit quietly before Him. Then after everyone is gone for the day I can start mine with His word and pray for myself and all those I love.

The New Year is a good time to start new things, but I don’t think I will wait until then. I think I will start today. Change can be a very good thing if we allow God to lead us.

What do you think?

May you have a Wonderful, Joy Filled, New Year!!

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