Friday, October 26, 2007


That, which is most constant in our lives but, often dreaded. Change is necessary for living; daily life would be dull and difficult without change. I’m not sure why we dislike it so much. Maybe we get comfortable in our ruts and forget how wonderful change can be.

Remember how exciting it was to start school? Your first day of kindergarten or first grade was the most exciting thing you could think of and everyone asked about it from parents to grandparents. Everyone who knew your family wanted to know how it went. And you knew it was a special event.

What about your first date with the one who would become your mate for life? Maybe it wasn’t memorable at the time because you didn’t know then they would be your true love, but I’ll bet you can remember almost everything about that night now. How nervous you were about being with this person you didn’t know; where you went, how you felt when he dropped you off or when you dropped her off. Ah, change.

A good friend moved away. I love seeing her name on the loop and I know one day at conference I will see her and get to hug her again. Reading her blog is a good way to stay in touch and we email each other occasionally. It isn’t the same as being together but it is a blessing I fully intend to enjoy. Marian, I miss you girl.

Change isn’t always easy and nothing says we have to like it, but it helps. Allowing God control and telling Him that you trust Him is important. His love will never let us down. He is always faithful and though we must say good bye sometimes before we are ready we can trust that God knows what is best for all of us.

Another friend is moving. We don’t want to say good bye, but we know that she must make the decisions she needs to make to get on with life. That is something we all have to do. We hope that life will be good to her in her new home and that her new job will be fulfilling. Sarita, our prayers are with you.

Our youngest son moved recently, farther away, but we know by just hearing his voice that he is happy and doing good. Oh we would love to have him and all our family living within shouting distance, but we would not hold them back for anything. They must live the lives God intended.

Our oldest son is getting ready to move in the New Year. We are so happy for him and know that he will enjoy his new place. We look forward to seeing all the blessings God has in store for him.

As life changes for us all I can’t help thinking most of them have brought blessings into our lives. Here’s to change!!

Thank you Lord for changing things in our lives, for all the blessings you give us and for your faithfulness to always be there for us. Thank you for loving us and making us yours. In the name of Your precious Son, Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Wishing you all a Super! Fantastic! Wonderful day!!

1 comment:

Alive And Laughing said...

Hey! I JUST got time to sit and read your blog. Great reading and full of useful info!
Love you!